Friday, October 12, 2012

Hibernate4.1 Version Features:

Ø  API for loading by natural identifiers (@NaturalId).

Note: (Unfortunately the above feature was hibernates specific not apply to JPA).

Ø  The ability to provide custom dirty handling.

Ø  Addition of a TenantIdentifierResolver for use with multitenancy in getCurrentSession.

Hibernate4.0 Version New Features:

Ø  Provide support for initial multi-tenancy databases.
Ø  Introduces a ServiceRegistry.
Ø  Redesign SessionFactory Building.
Ø  Clean up of Session opening from SessionFactory.
Ø  Using org.hibernate.integrator.spi.Integrator made integration and auto discovery more desirable.
Ø  Improve to work (Better logging) with i18n and message codes.
Ø  Clean up of deprecated interfaces, methods, etc.
Ø  Preparation for OSGI support
Ø  Jdk1.6 (jdbc4) as baseline.

Hibernate3.6  final Version Features:
Ø  Hibernate Core.
Ø  Hibernate Envers(Easy Entity Relationship).
Ø  Hibernate Entity-managers.
Ø  Hibernate Annotations.
Ø  Hibernate-caches
ü  hibernate-c3p0
ü  hibernate-proxool
ü  hibernate-ehcache
ü  hibernate-infinispan
ü  hibernate-jbosscache
ü  hibernate-oscache
ü  hibernate-swarmcache
Ø   Dropping support for JDK 1.4
Ø  Merging of hibernate-jmx and hibernate-annotations modules into hibernate-core. For those of you using Maven, that means hibernate-core-3.6.0.Final.jar contains annotation and jmx support.
Ø  Improved Type support (HHH-5138 and related issues)
Ø  Change in DTD hosting (HHH-5485)
Ø  Slew of documentation changes, including introducing a new Getting Started Guide
Ø  Several improvements to annotations support for discriminators, column-level read/write expressions, and timestamp versions.
New Envers feature (ValidityAuditStrategy) as an alternative way to write history entries. 

Hibernation Version Features:

Ø  Hibernate Core.
Ø  Hibernate Envers(Easy Entity Relationship).
Ø  Hibernate Entity-managers.
Ø  Hibernate Annotations.
Ø  Hibernate Search engine (Apache Lucien Support).
Ø  JSR 317 (JPA2) support.
Ø  Integration of hibernate-annotations, hibernate-entitymanager and hibernate-envers into the core project. See for details
Ø  Added Infinispan as a standard second-level cache. See for details
Ø  Improvements to the new second-level caching SPI introduced in 3.3 based on feedback from implementers including Ehcache, Inifinispan and JBoss Cache.
Ø  Far better read only / immutable support.
Ø  Support for JDBC 4 such that Hibernate can be used in JDK 1.6 JVMs and make use of JDBC4-compliant drivers.'
Ø  Support for column-level read/write fragments (HBM only for now)
Ø  Initial support for fetch profiles

Hibernate  final Versions and its release dates.:

1.      Hibernate3.0       final         released Year              31st Mar, 2005.
2.      Hibernate3.1.3                    released Year             20th Mar, 2006.
3.      Hibernate3.2.6    GA         released Year               09th May, 2009.
4.      Hibernate3.3.2    GA          released Year             24th June, 2009. 
5.      Hibernate3.4.0    GA          released Year             20th Aug, 2008.
6.      Hibernate3.5       final         released Year              13th Mar, 2010.
7.      Hibernate3.6       final         released Year              14th Oct, 2010.
8.      Hibernate4.0       final        released Year             15th Dec, 2011.
9.      Hibernate4.1       final        released Year             09th Feb, 2012.