2.what is the diff. b/w Jsp:forward tag and rd.forward(".jsp")?
3.what is the diff. b/w
4.how can we handle the Exceptions in Jsp?
5.what are the weblogic[7001], tomcat[8080]
6.websphere[9080] port no?
7.what is the Latest version of java?
8.what is Wrapper classes?
9.final,finally and finalized?
10.about on ArrayList?
11.Diff. b/w Hashtable and Hashmap?
12.Servlet Lifecycle?
13.tell me about on Custom tag files?
14.what are the Struts Action classes?
15.how to use the Cuistom tags in the Struts?
16.we don't know the which type of collection object will come at Runtime. then it will be take a method to one element and compare and sort that element how can we proceed?
Ans: ArrayList,Vectors,LinkedList,Set?
1.how the cluster will be done?
2.how the session Pool settings are done in weblogic?
3.how Replication done in weblogic server?
4.how will you write replication code for weblogic in j2ee?
5.how it user enter 3 fields. if server goes down then what happend?
6.if 1000 users access the same page at a time in that case what will happend?
7.write struts validation through programmatic and xml validation?
1.if one user modified content and another user also modified. first user modified if the second user save it what happend?
2.First change and submit and second user change what happend? First change and submit and second user not chagged then what happend. what file he get?
3.First will save, Second not saved and not chan ged. if the third user will access what happend?
4.one to many mapping hbm files? Eg: Employee ------> projects
5.Jbuilder version?
6.In Eclipse how to PlugIn CVS or SVN?
here Btmp files are not allowed and Zip files are allowed? then how to get it errors will be raised?
plz send me answers......for these ques.......